Thursday, July 19, 2012

Hot summer days

Its been hot out lately and this heat is driving everyone nuts, even the dogs...

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sorry about the hiatus...

Sorry about the hiatus of not posting anything. I had some problems with my computer for a while and a lots been going on in my life such as moving to a new place a few miles away, work, and life.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The old days

There are things I miss about the old days of being a teenager in High School. I miss some of my friends, some of the places I got to go. I was not a fan of High School (I loathed it!) but I did get to go some interesting places. However I do not miss how I looked back then. I had a serious weight and depression problem then which I am getting under control. I am by no means skinny, but I am much slimmer now than I was then.

Me, my little brother, and my sister in a cinema in a mall in Manama Bahrain. I am much slimmer now than I was then.

Me and my little brother outside a mall in Manama Bahrain.

This was on a hike to the Edge of the World Cliffs in Saudi Arabia.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

New shades

I have a friend who works at a kiosk at a local mall selling sunglasses and they were having a sale where you got 2 pairs for $25 and I bought 2 pairs. I really like these new ones.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

There are days when I wish I could be a small dog...

...and be desk sized like my buddy below and have lazy days...

I've known this guy since he was a few weeks old and was a small ball of fluff that could literally fit in the palm of my hand (and would steal my socks off the floor and I would have to chase him down the hall to get them back). Hes not my dog (my Aunts) but hes my buddy and when I used to live with my Aunt I used to put him on the desk next to my computer and he would usually just lounge next to my computer. However occasionally he would get curious and want to explore my desk and walk all over my computer while checking out different things on my desk. He would always try to walk across my computer while I was doing it, despite me explaining on multiple occasions that he was not supposed to do that. But either way hes my buddy and I always enjoy seeing him whenever I can.

*I own all rights to photos posted on this site. Use of photos without permission is subject to copyright infringement and all applicable penalties. Please contact owner of site for usage of photos*


I always find it interesting to look at things from different perspectives.

But if we zoom in...

The same bit of rubbish looks different when you zoom in close on it doesnt it? I always find it interesting how if you look at the same thing from a different perspective or point of view it can look completely different.

*I own all rights to photos posted on this site. Use of photos without permission is subject to copyright infringement and all applicable penalties. Please contact owner of site for usage of photos*